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This page highlights the professional work I have completed working with the organization Escape Break Bangkok as well as the Work Loft. My duties at the organization were centered around promotion. I was responsible for planning, pitching and creating flyers, business cards and other promotional material for the organization.

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I developed merchandise for Escape Break. I was responsible for research, creative direction, and development for both the umbrella and coffee cup. These products are currently being sold in Thailand and Cambodia.  

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I designed the layout and rationale for each flyer and promotion. Because Escape break is located out of Bangkok, a Thai version of each promotion had to be made in tandem. I worked with translators to make sure the content was as accurate as possible.  

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One of my primary duties while working for Escape Break involved updating game assets. Below are several examples of the new in-game assets I made to help guide the player through the puzzle

Ghost Ship Game

Temple Game

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While working for The Work Loft I was tasked to design day pass cards. I came up with the templates below and boiled them down into the fourth and fifth pass. The fourth and fifth pass is the seven-day pass and was eventually implemented into mass production.